So in general, could we get some word on WHY Dauntless/PHXL does not want to utilize Discord Integration? Maybe there is something I'm missing?
#Dauntless discord full
Even in typical MMOs: FFXIV, WoW which have full fleshed out party search systems, people still use discord communities to make groups.Having the integration, will at least give players a effortless option, if they choose to have communication.
There are games like Atlas Reactor and new emerging titles, that with integration, can put you into a voice group with your fellow players in match making, so that you can better communicate and maybe make new friends. It's really hard to believe that online game players, have to go to the reddit, twitter, or even the official forums, to find the discord server. We know that matchmaking is an issue in terms of skill disparity and there are plenty of threads and feedback on how that could be changed, but in the mean time, the community discord is the best place to find people to communicate and play with. Why isn't a link to the dauntless discord built into the launcher? I don't mean a small little discord icon, but like a tile that lets players know there is a discord available. Even single player games and games in testing, now utilize discord heavily. I gave a huge post on the cost effectiveness (It's Free) of it and how discord has become the staple for online game communities and interactions with developers. I've advocated for Discord Integration, very early into the game.